Cambridge Audio Azur 640P review

Cambridge Audio Azur 640P

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

The 640P phono pre-amplifier (sometimes known as a phono stage) also uses superior amplification circuitry for its MM and MC stages to provide the lowest possible distortion and noise. In addition, the flagship model employs multi-parallel capacitors to achieve exceptional RIAA accuracy of only 0.3dB up to 50kHz and features a defeatable subsonic filter. The Azur 640P phono pre-amplifier employs a comprehensively specified Moving Magnet stage, as well as the higher gain needed for compatibility with high-end Moving Coil (MC) cartridges. This raft of technologies combines to offer a hugely dynamic, involving and open sound.
The 640P features the now customary Azur acoustically damped steel chassis and a robust anodised aluminium front plate.

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