Canon imageRUNNER iR2022 review

Canon imageRUNNER iR2022

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Growing businesses and busy workgroups will benefit from the compact design of the iR2022. And despite their deceptively small size this imageRUNNER packs the same multifunction performance and reliability that's made Canon's imageRUNNER range famous.Technologies first developed for Canon's high-end devices ensure the iR2022 provides increased productivity and efficiency within small business and busy workgroups.Features:
22 pages per minute (A4)
UFR II Print Board as Standard
Duplex Unit as Standard
Twin-beam laser writing produces print resolution of 1200 x 1200 dpi* with 256 gradations
Super-fast warm-up of just 14 seconds
Energy efficient recovery from Sleep Mode in just 1 second
Unique internal finisher options for offset sorting, collating and stapling
Optional Super G3 Fax with PC Fax convenience

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