Kenwood KFC-S5793C review

Kenwood KFC-S5793C

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Peak Input Power: 220WRated Input Power: 75W (CEA Spec.)
Woofer Features
5x7inch PP Cone woofer
Diamond Array Pattern Diaphrgm
Midrange Features: 30mm PET Balanced DomeTweeter Features: 10mm Ceramic
General Features
3-way 3-speaker System
Image Enhancer 4
Sensitivity: 87dB at 1m
Frequency Response: 80-22k Hz
Impedance: 4 Ohms
Size (WHD): 220.0mm x 138.0mm x 61.2mm
Mounting Depth: 52.0mm
Magnet Weight: 178g

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