JVC Picsio GC-FM1 review

JVC Picsio GC-FM1

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

GC-FM1 is the pocket-sized HD memory camera so that you can put it in your pocket and get going. Without any confusing or hustle, you can shoot HD video and show them beautifully with HDMI connection.
Menu-less, EffortlessNothing confusing or complicated about it. Just push the button for the function you want, and enjoy!
No Shake, No SweatTake it out and shoot away! The Image Stabilizer automatically kicks in so your videos are smooth and steady.
Your Life in 1080PPICSIO actually records in 1080P HD so you'll have maximum quality for HDTV viewing.
Stills that Still ShineThe 8 Megapixel stills you shoot will look great now, and won't look obsolete a few years down the road.
Show on YouTubeVideos are stored as .MOV files that require no conversion before uploading for the world to see.
Carry on iPod or iPhoneThe same .MOV files are easy to transfer to a PC for syncing with iTunes.

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