Canon MVX430 review
1.3 Megapixel CCD with DiG!C DV for outstanding quality photos and videos
Powerful Canon 18x zoom lens
2.7" Widescreen LCD and Real Widescreen recording for breathtaking playback
Night Mode LED for shooting in dark conditions
Advanced digital camera functions including Print/Share button for direct printing
1/5-inch interlace CCD with complimentary filter
1,330,000 / 690,000 (4:3 tape), 880,000 (16:9 tape), 1,000,000 (card)
2.7-inch / approx. 123,000 pixels
0.33-inch TFT / approx. 113,000 pixels
55 x 77 x 109mm
367g (body only)
WL-D85A wireless controller
PCM Stereo 16/12 bit