Toshiba Camileo BW10 review

Toshiba Camileo BW10

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The sportscam you’ve been waiting for! Waterproof and weatherproof,
you can snorkel up to 2 meters and shoot in Full HD, or climb your favorite
peaks and capture the breathtaking view even in the rain. Wherever your
adventure takes you, your CAMILEO BW10 will be there with you!

1080p, Full HD resolution

Digital H.264 Full HD video camcorder

2 m waterproof

Digital still camera

5 MP CMOS sensor

10 x digital zoom (still / video)

HDMI digital AV output

2.0” LCD monitor

SD/SDHC/SDXC card reader

Video stabilisation

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