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Dear users! We prepared this manual that you could choose with its help to yourself a frame and sunglasses most of which correspond to your type of appearance, lifestyle and visual requirements. Besides, we hope that the submitted guide will dilate your ideas of those opportunities which are offered today by optical branch in order that in any life situation you could see, and to look magnificent.
What is represented by a frame and why it is necessary
From purely utilitarian point of view the frame represents no other than the device for bracing of lenses. Its task is providing the correct provision of lenses before eyes. Situation at which the average line of light apertures (the light aperture is the space limited to a frame rim) passes approximately through the centers of pupils is considered ideal or is slightly lower. Optimum, when the back surface of lenses is at distance of 12 mm from cornea top.
The exception is made by only so-called points halves facilitating the translation of a view from a long distance (over points) on near (through points). In practice landing of a frame often gives a little overestimated provision of a pupil of rather average line of a light aperture.
Frame elements
The frame consists of two main parts, namely the frame providing bracing of lenses, and the ear arms providing a standard position of points. The light apertures of a frame limited to a rim are bridged among themselves by a so-called bridge, either the bridge, or a bridge – a nasal part of a frame. In general there is a lot of options of veneering of a nasal part (so, in the frames executed in retro style, it can have a saddle appearance, or letters W, frames of large forms quite often have a double bridge). Considering that the maximum of weight of ready points falls just on area of a bridge of the user, it is important that the frame provided the greatest adhering of points in this part, and weight would be distributed evenly. The majority of metal frames for their best bracing on a face are in addition equipped with the mobile adjustable no support which are usually executed from a silicon or rubber. Experts in the field of production of plastic frames successfully solve a problem of bracing and distribution of weight of ready points at the expense of a design of the frame.
Bond of a frame and ear arms is carried out by means of sliding hinge connection. Sometimes in production of points use sprung, or flexographic hinges. Use of superfine hinges has a positive impact on bracing of points on the head and their service life. Some producers, as, for example, the Austrian company Silhouette, use without hinged ear arms. In order to avoid possible allergic reactions of a skin to metal and squeezing of the head in temples put on the hand pieces made of hypoallergenic material, for example from a silicon metal ear arms.
Designs of frames
Frames depending on their design features can be divided into the following types: border, half border and not border.
border, or full border, frames – frames which light apertures are completely limited to a rim. Along with metal and plastic there are also combined models the border of frames for which production both plastic, and metal is used.
half border frames – frames in which the rim has limited the top part of light apertures (much more rare – lower). Besides a semi-rim for fastening of lenses in these frames the nylon scaffold is most often used. Half border frames can be plastic, metal and combined.
Half border frames – frames which have no frame. Lenses in them keep due to screw fastenings. In traditional the no border frames, as a rule, lenses have openings in nasal and temporal parts into which the screw is inserted from the forward party of a lens and is fixed with internal. There are designs allowing to make a screw insert from the inside, and special decorative fasteners are used to his fixing from the outer side. Non-border of frames is one of advantages the fact that they are hardly noticeable on a face. However it is necessary to consider that use for assembly in non-border frames of negative and positive eyeglass lenses of high refractions often nullifies this advantage.
1 – size of a light aperture;
2 – bridge size;
3 – ear hook length.
The two first are usually divided by inclined line or the image of a square. Happens so that numbers are put too small or were already partially erased from long glasses wearing. In this case you can conduct measurements of a sample independently.
At the choice of a frame, except for some cases, there is hardly a sense to make a start strictly from her sizes. First of all it is necessary to try on a frame. If it is pleasant to you how she looks on your face, then most likely and her size suits you. Nevertheless there is a golden rule according to which the general width of a frame of a frame has to equal approximately to width of the person. In this case the comfort will be ideal.
Width of the person can be measured by means of a ruler. For convenience it is necessary to put pencils to each ear, and then to measure distance between them at the level of a nose bridge.
Selection of a frame taking into account your specific features
The choice of a frame – a task difficult. To solve it, it is necessary to consider several things:
the face type,
the color type,
the style preferred by you in clothes.
Forms of frames
"Pilot" is, perhaps, the most important and most recognizable model of sunglasses of all times and the people. Already for many decades she holds the first places of-point charts, without allowing to press for a long time herself any another. The first pilots of the United States Air Force for whom "pilots", actually, also were developed could estimate advantages of "pilots" with characteristic tear-shaped lenses (then gray-green). * And there was it in the 1930th years. However it is exclusive property of the U.S. Air Force the "pilots" providing the maximum review and passing a minimum of diffused light remained not for long. They have drawn public attention right after in the press there were pictures of the courageous general of the American army of Douglas Mack-Artur imprinted in "pilots" on one of the Philippine Islands during World War II.
However, the big glory of "pilots" at that time was still ahead. She an avalanche has fallen upon them in 1969 after the American movie Easy Rider with Peter Fonda thanks to whom points with lenses drops became a style symbol a unisex and have acquired the status of cult was released. In the 1980th years maintenance of this status was promoted by an exit to screens of the American movie Top Gun in which in "pilots" Tom Cruise has appeared already.
First "vayfarer" – the sunglasses with trapezoid lenses which have become subsequently gold classics of-point fashion – have been presented at the market in 1952. From urgent options the RB 2140 model of the Ray-Ban brand under which "vayfarer", actually, and were born is closest to the initial version.
When in 1961 the viewer has seen the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's with Audrey Hepburn in a leading role, sunglasses of the vayfarer form in a moment became popular. In general, in success in cinema any Hollywood star could envy "vayfarer". For "film career" they "have acted" more than in hundred pictures, including in the legendary movie The Blues Brothers which was released in 1980. Black sun-protection "vayfarer" appeared in this movie with the first and to the last scene. The main characters performed by Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi didn't leave them even at night, including them an accessory of prime necessity. It seems that after viewing of the movie many audience also has believed in it: sales of "vayfarer" again promptly have gone to the eightieth up.
Lennon can call small metal points with round light apertures today. The name they as it is easy to guess, are obliged to John Lennon – one of the most famous users of round points for all their history. In the 60-70th years of last century, imitating the idol, many young people sought to have something similar.
Lennon's points were, by the way, nickeled. However today, speaking about "lennons", we mean first of all their form, but not material (so those who have an allergy to nickel can quietly sigh). After in 1980 the leader of the Liverpool four urging people to make love, but not war, has been killed, round points became a world symbol ** and the movements of hippie. The scandalous musician Ozzy Osbourne who was also not indifferent to round points to rank as "children of flowers", of course, it won't turn out, however it should be noted that thanks to him round points became also property of an underground which representatives call points a la Osborn of "ozza".
However, at those whose childhood fell on the 1990th years, "lennon" are associated not with the musicians mentioned above at all, and it is rather with the young wizard Harry Potter. This character possesses a considerable merit that round points probret great popularity at teenage four-eyes who have ceased to feel like outsiders at last.
"A cat's eye" and "butterfly"
Points of the "cat's eye" form – on our deep belief, the most womanly of ever existing – have appeared in the market in the 50th years of the 20th century. There is an opinion that this "style" was thought up by Christian Dior. Allegedly in his fashionable house long time the model – half the Kazakh woman, half the Russian worked. And Dior has created the "cat's eye" form to emphasize outlines of her slanting eyes. In our opinion, it is no more than beautiful legend; at least, we have no her the actual confirmation.
But we can quite say that the most famous producer of glasses "cat's eye" forms in the 1950th years was the American company Tura ***. Authors of the book which has appeared in 2007 "Only for your eyes, in particular, point to this fact? Points from And to I" – journalists Alessandra Albarello and Francesca Gioppolo **** which, working in professional optical editions, have devoted to studying of history of points any year.
One of the most known glasses "cat's eye" forms causing associations with an era of the fiftieth are, perhaps, that the heroine Marilyn Monroe in the movie How to Marry a Millionaire which has come out in 1953 carried. Having revived in memory points Floors – the screen heroine Monro, other reader will think that the form of model is rather similar to "butterfly", than to "a cat's eye". Here points of the heroine Anouck Aimé in Federico Fellini's movie "Dolce vita" (La Dolce Vita; 1959) – it is the real "cat's eye"!
Really, to "a cat's eye" and "butterfly" sometimes there is a confusion which it is possible
Points of the panto form (in the translation from the Greek panto means "everything" or "all") are the points providing to the user the full review. They are obliged by this advantage to the form: lower part of a rim absolutely round, and the top line more direct. Their upper bound passes slightly below than eyebrows that not only it is esthetically attractive, but also is practical: eyebrows don't soil a lens.
Points of this form have appeared in the market in the 30th years of the 20th century and were at once fallen in love to many intellectuals. From the beginning of World War II, however, have safely forgotten about them (whatever one may do, but it is more convenient to shoot from entrenchments after all wearing spectacles with big round light apertures), however with approach of peace time have remembered again. In the 1950-60th years "панто" had reputation nearly of the most popular men's glasses model in the USA. In the 1980th years the world of fashion has like again warm feelings to the panto form which admirers were a director Woody Allen and the actor Johnny Depp – in kind, frankly speaking, uncommon.
Huge as eyes of a dragonfly, sunglasses of rounded shape have gained popularity in the late sixties – the beginning of the 70th years of the last century. Advance on the market of polymeric lenses – much more lungs, than made of mineral glass became a prerequisite to their emergence.
The widow of the U.S. President John Kennedy, the spouse of the Greek billionaire Aristotle Onassis of Jackie Onassis who by right is considered as one of the most elegant women of the 20th century was one of the main fans of "large-size" points of that time. During trips to Capri Jacky never left the "dragonflies" created personally for her by the Parisian optician Robert Pinton ***** from acetate cellulose plastic and a natural tortoise armor. Shortly after Jackie Onassis has appeared in "dragonflies" in society, points of a similar form have entered collections of many producers, considerably having facilitated girls a task to look as Jackie.
Klabmastera, or "broulayner" (brow-liners) as they are called still, are points in the combined frame with roundish light apertures. The top part of "klabmaster" is strengthened by the plastic "arches" creating effect of double eyebrows.
To Europe the fashion on "klabmaster" has come from America. The fighter for the rights black Malcolm X who had several points of this "style" of different flowers at once was one of their most famous users of the middle of the 20th century. With arrival of plastic revolution thanks to which the market was flooded with new models appeal of "klabmaster" has somehow grown dim. They have returned to the eightieth on the fashionable stage again, but only as sunglasses, and here at the beginning of the current decade in connection with hobby for designers for retro style they have endured the real Renaissance.