2008-2010 ZXAuto GrandTiger review

2008-2010 ZXAuto GrandTiger

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Zhongxing Grand Tiger is designed according to latest trend of development, and in step with TUNDRA, NISSAN FRONTIER, which are TOYOTA's car models currently selling well in North America. Also, Zhongxing Grand Tiger, TUNDRA, and NISSAN FRONTIER all belong to the fifth generation of pickup models. Zhongxing Grand Tiger embodies newest technologies and design theories. Thereby, keeping in step with the newest car models developed in the international market.
Zhongxing Grand Tiger relies on purchasing first grade global auto components, equipped with the most technically advanced high-tech auto components. We select and use components made by world famous brands such as TOYOTA and NISSAN, the quality of the entire vehicle is in step with world trends.

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