2005-2012 Volkswagen Caddy Life review

2005-2012 Volkswagen Caddy Life

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

It's amazing what you'll find inside. Versatile. Up-to-date technology, durability, robustness and economy. The impressive qualities of Caddy Life will accompany you on every journey, whatever your destination. The Caddy Life benefits from decades of experience in the construction of a wide variety of family cars. It clearly demonstrates Volkswagen's strengths in realising superior space concepts and developing innovative engines, creating optimal performance and utilisation of fuel.Convenience. The Caddy Life gives you the choice of two efficient engines; the 1.9L TDI 77kW diesel or the 1.6L 75kW petrol engine. The 750L of storage with the 3rd row seats removed extends to a massive 2,850L when the 2nd and 3rd row seats are removed; on top of this it has a 603kg payload. The Caddy Life offers the flexibility and convenience to easily undertake all your daily needs, all available with the typical maneuverability of a passenger car.

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