Razor E100 Electric Scooter - Pink review

Razor E100 Electric Scooter - Pink

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The thrill of power meets the latest technology and high-quality materials that Razor is known for - in the form of electric scooters. The E100 electric scooter features a kid-sized deck and frame, kick start, environmentally-friendly electric power 24 volt sealed lead acid rechargeable battery engages a super quiet high torque, chain driven motor and twist grip throttle fast and fun ride. Speeds up to 10 mph, 16 kmh, up to 40 minutes of continuous use, a rear brake makes it easy to stop and the motor recharges in 4 hours. Updated features include a chain drive with fixed axle, double welded frames, and a twist throttle. Applauded by neighbors everywhere.

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