Centennial II Play Centre review

Centennial II Play Centre

Our rating:
 1/10 from 1 reviewers.

FEATURES: 22 3/4 sq. ft. 5' high play deck with wooden roof Large multi-level fort with shiplap cedar roof and chalet-style windows and trim Crow's nest with swivel telescope and curved railing adds a fun and safe launch pad for the Twist 'N Ride tube slide 14' Twist 'N Ride tube slide features 3 porthole windows Covered clubhouse lookout deck with premium window and canopied picnic table Premium solid rock climbing wall with multi-coloured rocks 1- or 2-passenger premium Glide Ride and 2 belt swings Monkey bar with climbing ladder Large sandbox* CONSTRUCTION: Premium play set lumber for added durability and safety SET-UP DIMENSIONS: 21'8"L x 13'W x 12'7"H SET UP AREA: Be sure to include a safety zone around play area to ensure enough clearance room. 33'8"L x 28'W x 12'7"H WARRANTY: 10-year limited against wood rot and termites; 1-year on plastic and metal components. * Requires up to 20 bags of sand, sold separately.Ships in 5 boxes.

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