LEGO Creator - Town Hall (10224) review

LEGO Creator - Town Hall (10224)

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

This classic three-storey town hall building is the latest addition to the LEGO Modular Buildings series. This highly-detailed model features large entrance-way columns and coat of arms, a tall bell tower with clock and a large skylight giving a view inside the building. On the ground floor, the large hall, tax office and auditorium are perfect for servicing the town's citizens. Take the working elevator up to the secretary and mayor's offices on the second floor, furnished eloquently with desks, chairs, paintings and even a frog sculpture. There's even a balcony for addressing the town's citizens. On the third floor, a spacious meeting room features a large conference table, chairs, globe and plants. Includes 8 minifigures: mayor, secretary, bride and groom, press woman, janitor and 2 children.

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