My Little Pony Ponyville Sweet Sundae Amusement Park review

My Little Pony Ponyville Sweet Sundae Amusement Park

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Fun-filled amusement park playset is triple the fun with three pony-rific settings that include a spinning Ferris wheel, a roller coaster for your pony pal to ride, and an ice cream parlor filled with plenty of sweet pony “treats”! Park includes 1 pony figure, ice cream parlor playset, roller coaster playset, Ferris wheel playset, and play accessories, including table, roller coaster car, boat, soda can, popcorn, French fries, ice cream cone, hot dog, tray, sunscreen bottle, giraffe and teddy bear. Includes 3 “AA” batteries.

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