Super Scrabble review

Super Scrabble

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Super Scrabble is an expanded edition of the long-time favorite word board game. Add to the fun with additional scoring chances, with twice as many letter tiles as standard Scrabble, and 441 squares on the game board (compared to 225 in standard Scrabble). There are more Premium spaces as well - in addition to double and triple letter and word scores, Super Scrabble has quadruple letter and word score space. If you're looking to take the next step in word board games, Super Scrabble is the game for you.
Game Board
200 Wood Letter Tiles
4 Wooden Tile Racks
Drawstring Cloth Bag
Score Pad
Super Scrabble Booklet with Rules, History, and Tips
Players: 2 to 4
Ages: 8 and up
Manufacturer: Winning Moves

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