Quinny Buzz 3 review

Quinny Buzz 3

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

With its clever yet practical design, the Quinny Buzz stroller provides the ultimate combination of comfort and user-friendliness.
Unique and revolutionary folding system (automatic unfolding)
Very easy to fold and to unfold with only one hand
Highly manoeuvrable front swivel wheel, that can be locked
Forward and rearward facing seat unit
Height adjustable pushbar, adjustable foot- and backrest
Ideal travel system in combination with matching Maxi-Cosi car seat and Quinny Buzz Dreami
Including sun canopy, Buzz Box, rain cover, adapters and XL-seat
Approved confirming EN 1888, BS7409 and NF S 54-001
Pushchair seat: until 15 kg
Available Colors:
Limited Edition
Rocking Black
Brown Boost
Rebel Red
Pink Emily
Electric Blue
Natural Mavis

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