Maclaren Techno Classic review

Maclaren Techno Classic

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Single handed fold.
Removable and washable seat liner. 
Ergonomically shaped and adjustable handles. 
Adjustable 5 point safety harness.
4 Recline positions.
Comes with leg rest and durable fabric. 
Lockable front swivel wheels. 
Large hood with sun visor.
It comes with storage basket. 
Comes with head hugger, boot cover and rain cover
Weight: 6.8kg.
It is suitable from birth to 4 years old.
Dimensions Folded (cm): 108L x 28.5W x 28H.
Dimensions Unfolded (cm): 49W x 111L.
Weight Capacity (kg): 17

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