Quinny Buzz 4 review

Quinny Buzz 4

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Now here's a clever trick: the Quinny Buzz unfolds itself fully automatically with no effort at all. The sleek design is a true feast for the eyes. The improved comfortable seat is a pleasure for your child. The Quinny Buzz goes together perfectly with a matching Quinny Dreami carry cot bassinette which is included in this package.Benefits:
Unique and revolutionary folding system (automatic unfolding)
Very easy to fold and unfold
Extra comfortable forward and rearward facing seat unit
Extra spacious replacement seat cushion included (18 months and up): The seat grows with your child!
Highly manoeuvrable front swivel wheel, that can be locked
Height adjustable pushbar, adjustable foot and backrest
4-wheel pushchair with two swiveling front wheel
Including canopy, Buzz Box and raincover
Weight: 12 kg
Folded size: 67.5 x 60 x 10 cm
Unfolded Size: 87 x 33 x 100 cm
Rear Wheels: 12 air tyres
Front Wheels: EVA
Linked parking brake
Quick release wheels
Adjustable footrest
Available Colors:
Rebel Red
Rocking Black
Brown Boost
Pink Emily
Electric Blue
Natural Mavis

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