Mothercare Spin Pram & Pushchair System review

Mothercare Spin Pram & Pushchair System

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

One hand spin mechanism to transfer the seat from forward to parent facing mode
4 position adjustable handle height
Suitable from birth
Includes: Cosytoe, pram liner, pram apron, chest pads and weathershield
Add the infant car seat (sold separately) to create a truly versatile travel system
Add the Mothercare Spin Maxi Cosi adaptors to form a travel system with a Maxi Cosi Cabriofix or Pebble infant car seat
Add the Mothercare Spin Britax adaptors to form a travel system with a Britax Babysafe Plus SHR I or II infant car seat
Handle height: 99-155 cm
Pushchair: H97 x W58 x L90cm, folded: H73 x W58 x D46cm
Weight: 11.2kg

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