Swaddlebees Newborn Organic Velour review

Swaddlebees Newborn Organic Velour

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Swaddle your newborn in this diaper made with 2 full layers of 100% organic cotton velour.   It has a hidden layer of hemp french terry for extra absorbency, and an attached quick-dry soaker made with one layer of hemp french terry topped with organic cotton velour.  This may fit some babies up to 16 lbs.  Colored diapers come with just the outer layer dyed with low-impact environmentally friendly dyes, and all layers next to the baby's skin are undyed.  This diaper is not waterproof and will require a cover.  Colored diapers are colorfast and can be washed together with your white diapers without the colors bleeding.

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