North States - 3-in-1 Metal Superyard Extension Kit review

North States - 3-in-1 Metal Superyard Extension Kit

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 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Now you can increase the area of of Superyard gate. The North State Metal Superyard Extension Kit extension increases your six panel superyard to eight panels. This 3 in 1 Metal superyard piece gives your little ones greater freedom to roam within any enclosed area, or makes the space you are protecting larger. Sturdy and practical, the North State Metal Superyard Extension Kit is a natural extention of your effective Baby Superyard gate. It's an easy way to keep babies and toddlers away from dangerous areas, such as fireplaces, electical outlets, and garden stairs. Baby Superyard also provides a safe place for your little one to play where you can keep a watchful eye. The 3 in 1 Metal superyard extension allows you to expand your Superyard area as your babies grow.

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