Dream Baby - Extra Wide Hallway Gate, White review

Dream Baby - Extra Wide Hallway Gate, White

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

This Dream Baby Pressure Mount Hallway Gate will keep your little one safe from falling down stairs or getting away from safe areas. The baby safety gate has been certified by JPMA to be baby ready. The doorway baby gate is an important product that will definitely come in handy in any household having a toddler. The extra wide baby gate is suitable for almost all door sizes and fits doors from 38 inches to 53 inches. It features a rounded gate top that gives it a charming look, allowing it to blend in with your home decor. Easy one hand operation for adults makes this doorway baby gate a practical solution to your childs safety problems. The gate will swing both ways and the closes automatically, allowing easy access for parents. Make your house safer for your baby by bringing home this baby safety gate.

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