Evenflo - Top of the Stairs Extra-Tall Gate review

Evenflo - Top of the Stairs Extra-Tall Gate

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Having toddlers or infants in a multi-storied environment increases their vulnerability due to the staircases. Parents can now heave a sigh of relief thanks to the Evenflo Top of the Stairs Extra-Tall Gate. Install it at either ends of a staircase to prevent your little ones from using the tricky stairs. Sturdily built, the tall wooden baby gate opens on both sides and completely barricades the stairs from your kids. Your young ones can neither climb over the gate nor open it providing you with a foolproof solution that will work for years to come. Also, the baby swing gate stairs can be installed effortlessly thanks to the four-point hardware mounting. Although the gate measures 32 inches in height, it is ideal to install the gate three inches above the floor for added safety. For complete protection, use the gates on both ends of a staircase. Overall, the Evenflo extra-tall gate is a must in every multi-storied home that nurtures a baby.

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