Golden Fern Step 1 Infant Formula review

Golden Fern Step 1 Infant Formula

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

After taking good nutritional care during pregnancy it is essential, following the birth of your baby, to provide them with all the nutrients that they require for a healthy start in life. This is the time your baby will bond with you closely and good nutritional care will establish a healthy foundation for life. Breast feeding is best at this time but if this is not possible quality infant formula is the next best alternative. We recommend that breast feeding mothers supplement their diet with a quality milk formula such as Golden Fern's formula for lactating mothers.
Golden Fern Infant Formula has been scientifically formulated to give your baby all the goodness they need to grow. Golden Fern is made from a blend of premium quality New Zealand Whey Protein Concentrate and other beneficial ingredients to give your little one all the nutrients they need to thrive in the first six months of life.
Golden Fern Infant Formula contains many beneficial ingredients to help your baby grow. Easily-digestible Whey Protein Concentrate is blended with vitamins, minerals and nutrients, including:
Probiotics for intestinal health.ARA and DHA to improve brain and eye development.
Vitamin C to help maintain a healthy immune system.
Ferric Pyrophosphate to assist with physical growth, brain development and mental functioning.
Your child is precious so choose a premium quality infant formula like Golden Fern to help them thrive.

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