Cherub Baby Fresh Food Feeder review

Cherub Baby Fresh Food Feeder

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

The Cherub Baby Fresh Food Feeder supports the beginning of independent solid feeding as well as assists with sore inflamed gums when teething.
Simply fill with fresh cut fruit, vegetables or ice and let baby begin to taste & chew whole foods without the risk of choking on large pieces of food.
The tamper resistant net seal prevents baby's wandering hands and also comes complete with a safety hygiene cover for portable use. Simply fill with food in the morning, pop in your bag and head out with baby - snack ready to go!
Storage, Cleaning & Compatibility:
Wash with warm soapy water before use and after each use
Pull unit apart for cleaning and inspect net for any signs of wear
Compatible with the Fresh Food Feeder Replacement Nets
The Fresh Food Feeder is BPA free.
Included in the box:
Fresh Food Feeder unit with ergonomic handle designed for small hands.
Safety Hygiene Cover
1 x Fresh Food Feeder Net

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