Nutricia Karicare Aptamil Feed Thickener review

Nutricia Karicare Aptamil Feed Thickener

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Aptamil Feed Thickener is a thickening agent and may be mixed with breast milk or infant formula to assist in the management of regurgitation. Aptamil Feed Thickener may also be used to thicken the fluids and foods of infants, children and adults. In all cases it should only be used under medical supervision.
This product is not an infant formula, breast milk substitute or a complete food for infants
To be used to thicken liquids or food but not as a sole source of nutrition
Not suitable for use with premature infants
Consult your healthcare professional before use
Aptamil Feed Thickener instantly thickens:
Breast milk
Infant formula
Liquids and foods; hot or cold drinks, soups, sauces, purees and custards
Aptamil Feed Thickener is a tasteless and odourless food thickening agent

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