Cherub Baby AquaMAX Electric review

Cherub Baby AquaMAX Electric

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

The Cherub Baby range of sterilisers are the only sterilisers that utilise the revolutionary Natricleantm technology to prevent sterilised water becoming polluted. An easily removable catchment slot collects any vaporised water that falls back into the steriliser so used water does not become vaporised again.
Extra large capacity
Utilises revolutionary Natriclean technology
Fast sterilisation
Auto shut off
Normal sterilisers vaporize water into the air and kill bacteria. Some of this water can become trapped inside the steriliser and flows back down the sides of the inside of the unit to the heating element below. This polluted water is then vapourised back into the air and resterilised again and again. The AquaMAX is the only steriliser that uses revolutionary Natricleantm technology to combat this problem with a catchment slot that collects any water that falls back into the steriliser so it does not become vapourized again. With an extra large capacity you can sterilise 6 standard sized baby bottles and accessories on the accessory tray, easily and in approximately 8 minutes. An internal microcomputer will notify you with an auto-finish sound and auto shut off once sterilisation is complete. The contents will then remain sterile for approximately 3 hours if the lid remains sealed. Unlike most major brand steriliser the Cherub AquaMAX has a stainless steel base plate to avoid corrosion over time.

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