Happy Baby Decorated review

Happy Baby Decorated

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Happy Baby proudly announces the introduction of quality, stylish Decorated bottles into their baby feeding range. The Happy Baby Steadiflow Wide Neck Bottles and Easy Hold Slimline Bottles, have special air vents in the teat flange to equalize air pressure, allowing just enough air to pass into the bottle whilst your baby feeds. In order to achieve a Steadiflow and prevent the teat collapsing, minor adjustments can be made by tightening or loosening the bottle collar slightly.
Steadiflow Teat can help reduce colic symptoms
Silicone Cherry Variable Flow Teat
Spill-proof, Self-Sealing Cap
Wide Neck Bottles are also easy for cleaning and preparation
Microwave safe
Complies with Safety Standard EN14350 Child use and care articles – Drinking Equipment
Wide neck available in Twin pack
Easy-hold Slimline Bottles available in single, twin and triple packs
Easy-hold Slimline Bottles work best with Steadiflow Silicone Cherry Teats which are available in 4 flow rates.

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