Maxi-Cosi Goliath review

Maxi-Cosi Goliath

Our rating:
 9/10 from 1 reviewers.

Air Protect Revolutionary Side Impact Technology
High profile wings for comfort and safety
Adjustable 6-point safety harness for toddler mode
5-position locking headrest can be adjusted independently to accommodate your growing child
Suitable from 6 mth to 6-8 years
Narrower seat design allowing up to three seats in most modern cars for greater passenger space
Reclining backrest to suit a larger variety of vehicles
Luxurious machine washable covers
High back car seat protector mat with insulated drink pocket
Easy-use independent latching buckle
Reversible infant seat insert
Padded belt mates
Padded arm rest
Snack/drink side pockets

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