Jolly Jumper Cuddle Bag with Head Hugger - Brown review

Jolly Jumper Cuddle Bag with Head Hugger - Brown

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

The Cuddle Bag is great for any infant on-the-go who needs soft, cushioned head and neck support. The Cuddle Bag fits in strollers and car seats and is designed to accommodate the car seat harness. It keeps your baby snug, warm and cozy, which eliminates the need for heavy clothing and snowsuits. Detachable headpiece. Luxurious texture keeps baby snug, warm and cozy. The Cuddle Bag with Head Hugger has been tested to Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, and excelled in all tests (213.1), achieving the same level of safety as if there were nothing between the baby and the infant car seat.

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