Safety 1st Cruise Air LX 65 - Scotland review

Safety 1st Cruise Air LX 65 - Scotland

Our rating:
 1/10 from 1 reviewers.

The Cruise Air LX 65 is a convertible car seat that combines safety, comfort, and style! The Guide 65 has side impact protection, 5 harness heights & 3 buckle locations, a 5 point harness with upfront adjust, and anti-rebound bolsters to minimize rotational forces in both front and back collisions. Your child will be protected as well as comfortable with the plush body pillows.360 S.A.F.E (Secure - Adaptive - Fast Easy) is an advanced safety solution: engineered to help protect your child in a collision, adaptable to your child's growth, designed for comfort, and provides fast, easy installation.

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