Eddie Bauer Enspira 65 - Lakewood review

Eddie Bauer Enspira 65 - Lakewood

Our rating:
 0/10 from 0 reviewers.

Eddie Bauer is crafted for parents who want and expect the best for their little ones. Let your child be king (or queen) of the road with the Eddie Bauer Enspira 65. Designed to fit your growing child, this car seat takes your child through three different stages. It starts out as a rear-facing infant car seat with an upper limit of 40 pounds, converts to a forward-facing car seat that will keep your child harness up to 65 lbs and later transitions to a belt-positioning booster seat to use until 80lbs. With EPP energy absorbing foam, infant inserts, 5 harness heights, anti-rebound bolsters, and side impact protection, this Eddie Bauer car seat will give your child a comfortable and safe ride through any stage!

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